Visit a Student Web Gallery


Be An Art Critic!

Earn extra credit by visiting and sharing your critique of a student artwork located on LRA's web gallery.



  1. Click on the hyper linked image above, this will take you to the LRTA's web-gallery.
  2. Select an artwork from the page to critique.  
  3. Use the chart below to comment on a fellow Loch Raven Tech Academy artist from the gallery.
  4. Open the Constuctive Criticism (click the Download tab to open this word document) document to learn about the requirements for critiquing a peers work.
  5. Be sure to review the Wiki Etiquite page before posting critiques or your comments! 
  6. How many Extra Credit points can I earn? 
  7. Be sure to read and re-read your critique to check spelling, grammar and content. 
  8. When you are ready to add your comment click the Edit tab above.  Be sure to save your changes by clicking on the Save tab below. 
Your Name

Name of the Artist you are critiquing.

You may paste a picture of their work in the space below. 


What do you like most about the work? Be specific, what art elements and principles of design do they use most effectively.  What new or creative ideas are evident?  How did they show skill with the media?


Is their something you don’t understand about the work? Did they use an inventive idea that you’d like to know more about? 


Make a suggestion for improvement.  Think about positive phrasing:  “Did you think about….” or “If this were my artwork, I would…” 

Mrs. Chenowith 

Nora R. Gr 8

Nora, I love the eye catching design of your logo. The flourescent colors with the black create exciting contrast in the design and I like the gothic letter font. The placement of the Manga eye works well with the crescent shape.    What does the crescent shape represent?   I noticed on the web gallery that there are some black specs around the eye.  Is this intentional?  I think it would look cleaner if those stray marks were erased. 
Mia G. 

Rubi K.

Gr. 8 

I really like how clean and sharp the edges of you hands and the flower are.  They really make them look like your hands are really holding the flower and they are over your background. Does the flower symbolize anything to you?    Maybe you should change the background so it works with your nails and the flower.
Jayla M.
  I like how the object in your hand matches the background. The background and object both have a similar color.
Why did you choose fire as your object?
You should clean your edges up a little bit around your shoes.
Nick R. Mia G.'s "Holding the Impossible" image.   I really like how clean the edges of your hand is and how the bird really fits into the background. The overall theme of the montage really pulls the entire artwork together.  Why did you choose a bird for your object and a forest for your background? What does it mean to you? You might have wanted to choose a bird with brighter colors or maybe a background that contrasts the bird's colors. 


**You may copy and print the PQP document and write your critique by hand and submit to Mrs. Chenowith for credit.  It will then be forwarded to the student whose work you critiqued.